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Do you all remember those words “Dear Boss”? These simple little words that have, for years, sent shivers down the spine of the entire population of London and made the policemen of Scotland Yard boil with rage.

They were the first two words of "the red letter" as we will call it. The letter from the man who, sent to the London Press Center, had just materialized, for the first time, a shadow that terrorized England and the world: “Jack the Ripper”. “Jack the Ripper”.


The journalist Frédéric Best, of the newspaper “The Star” was then accused of having written this letter himself. It was reportedly covered by its editor, Thomas Power O"Connor.

Let me tell you a word about TP O'Connor as he was nicknamed by those who appreciated him at his fair value. TP was one of the last representatives of the Irish Parliamentary Party in the UK House of Commons after independence from the Free State. of Ireland in the 1920s. But he was also "Father of the Chamber", that is to say, the Dean, since he was the sitting MP who had had the longest uninterrupted parliamentary career (more than forty -nine years).


For a long time, almost forever, I have heard about this story of suspicion. So it is time, since we are among ourselves, to say everything I know about it:
Let's be frank, maybe this letter was written by the journalist of this newspaper "The Star" that T.P. had just founded and that he wanted to be a great tool to study and try to understand the mechanisms of the human soul.
But what is certain in this story of the letter is that T.P. had nothing to do with it.
On the other hand, Ah, on the other hand!... That he then covered his journalist... that's something else! He certainly did. Because something incredible happened a few days later: he became the repository of a SECRET.

And this letter, which, even if it was false, had as it were anticipated the facts which were going to occur, allowed him… to investigate… and to guide the investigators, seeming not to look…

But now is the time for me to start telling you things.

And I'm going to tell you... Because it's September 30, and in the year 1888, on that day, precisely, that same September 30, Catherine Eddowes died at the hand of Jack the Ripper...
Then... Well then I won't talk to you about all this again in 2023. You will thus have in your hands all that I know about this enigma. Everything for your turn, to immerse yourself in these dark nights of WHITECHAPEL, this dismal district of London, at the end of the year 1888. And try to understand.

But first!... Listen! … The big clock will strike midnight in the little street. One, two, three… Soon, Catherine Eddowes will be released from prison where she was kept for a few hours for public drunkenness. There she is ! She rushes into a narrow alley called Church Passage… She is seen by three witnesses. This, everyone knows since this is how it was noted in the police report.

But what no one knows is that someone else saw it...

And saw something else...

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